Being French Canadian, crepes were introduced to me at an early age. Dad, Mom and my Memere all made crepes for us and it didn't matter what time of day it was. Crepes are a very easy thing to make, they just take practice to perfect. The simplest way to make crepes is as follows:
Yield: approx. 5 in a 9" pan
- 1 cup milk
- 1 egg
- flour
Beat the egg down in a large steel bowl with a whisk and add milk. Add flour while stirring the batter. Repeadtly lift your whisk and check the batter consistency.
The consistency you want is for the batter to free flow off the whisk at a medium speed. I realize that makes no sense, so here's a gauge. Slow would be molasses off a whisk, fast would be like orange juice. Once the batter is that consistency, you're ready to cook some crepes.
Heat up a pan (preferrably cast iron) with a thin layer of oil (canola is my fav, but any low flavoured oil will do) on med-high heat until the pan is hot enough, but not so the oil starts to smoke. Canola oil is less viscous than peanut or vegtable oil, so if it's smoking, you're element is on way too high.
Use a ladle to scoop the batter on the pan. I'm gonna guess that in a 9 inch pan, about 1/2 cup of batter is probably lots for a nice thin crepe. If you have a crepe tool (t-shaped wooden tool) immediately spread the batter evenly around the pan, if you don't, work the batter around the pan in a circular motion using the pan handle.
Once you see little holes appear in the center of the crepe, it's flip time. Flip the crepe and it should only take about 20 seconds or so to get the other side browned, but check it anyway. Serve immediately or place the crepe on a pizza pan covered in foil to keep the crepes warm until serving.
Serving suggestions for crepes:
Your favorite syrop or jam, strawberry and banana reduction with butter or butter and brown sugar.
This is only one good breakfast for supper. Tonight we had egg, bacon and cheese sandwiches on english muffins with a side of pan fries and blueberries. Filling enough for supper, but light enough to not make you tired for the ensuing night of chasing the rug rats.

Bon Appetit!
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